My profound experience ahead ⬇️🚦
The breath is life, the pure essence of our being. When we are mad, people say breath. When a terrible event such as loss or heartache, you breathe. Anxiety or panic attack, breathe your way though. When we exercise, consistent breath is important for blood flow and the nervous system. We sing, we need to train our breath for long holds. We train to have a bigger lung capacity and to hold when there isn’t enough oxygen. Everything comes back to the breath, and it controls so much of our inner world.
Saturday night I was privileged to attend Witality a breathwork seminar with about 300 people in San Diego. Let me tell you, it was intense. Not only was it a fantastic seminar with invaluable information, but it was also a profoundly moving experience that I will never forget. To have that many people in a room all willing and ready to heal trauma is something I am having trouble putting into words. I could feel abuse, loss of parents or children, loss of homes or jobs. Just the power of connection of that many all there for a different reason but willing to try, was amazing. I feel bonded to every single person in that room. I am very sensitive to other people’s energy, and I had a difficult time with just how much pain I felt in that room. It was hard to stop and focus on my own needs when everyone around was hurting too. Yet, I was finally able to release, relax and stop trying to control everything and BOOM. Breakthrough of something I didn’t even know I was holding on too. I feel 10lbs lighter. I cried, laughed, screamed with anger but I also felt immensely grateful and an overwhelming feeling of peace and happiness. We hold so much tension and stress in our bodies from the past and things we no longer have any control over, and they affect our day to day subconsciously.
Most people do not actually breathe properly, and we hold our breath when stressed. We don’t take long deep controlled breaths; we don’t take the time to sit down and relax our breathing. Many of us don’t mediate or exercise to move unwanted energy and breathe deep. Deep controlled breathing is extremely important for the nervous system and can aid in lowering blood pressure and reduces stress hormones in the blood. We race around overloaded with stress and anxiety about being here and there, doing this and doing that. On social media comparing ourselves to others lives, feeling lack. Trying not to think of things that have affected us in the past or push them down because that isn’t what your “supposed to do” or what we are “supposed to talk about.” We are consistently at this high pace, high stress, consistent stimulation state of mind. We are all just trying to hang in there, and I can’t tell you enough how much breathwork was a game changer for me. So many good resources out there on Utube and classes locally here in San Diego. Breathe Degrees in Carlsbad is a great one. I also sell a few books on breathwork, one is called “Exhale” by Richie Bostock or “Breathe” by Thich Nhat Hanh. Try it, you won’t regret it.
I am going to add a utube link and Instagram Witality. I believe he will be going back out on tour March 2024. Life Changing
utube :