Joey 2005-2023

MIA and Heartbroken...

RIP - Sweet Joey Girl 

I got back from an amazing vacation and was so excited to share. Excited about 4th of July and our Full Moon last week, but just couldn't bring myself to post anything until I talked about my girl.

I had to do one of the hardest things I have ever had to do last week. I had to put my sweet dog of 17 years down. She had reached a point that she was in pain and no longer wanting to eat or drink. This has truly affected me so much and I am truly heartbroken. As I have been going over everything of that day and days leading up too. I have had a few realizations about life, cycles, and endings but first I want to talk about my wild, sweet, smart girl Joey.

I rescued Joey from a rescue in Prescott, Arizona. I had been going to this rescue weekly with a friend of mine and playing with the puppies on our lunch break. My friend and I were both "not looking" for a dog but then I meet Joey and she meet Ruby. I meet Joey on a Friday afternoon and from the start she was different. I had been taking dogs out to play for weeks. All of them would jump, lick, bark and happily wag their tails. All the normal, I am happy to see you moves. Joey comes out to see me sits, looks me, lays down and rolls over for me to rub her belly with the biggest smile on her face. I knew in that moment she was my dog. I didn't take her home though, as I didn't want to make any rash decisions. I couldn't stop thinking of her all weekend. Monday morning, I said 'If she is still at the rescue, it is meant to be" she was. Soulmates don't have to be human, and she was mine.  When I walked in the officers at the rescue were so happy to see me. We were all on first name basis at this point. I told them, I was taking her home. The officers took all my information and bank info for any fees, and we were on our way. As we were leaving, a couple came in and fell in love with her, but she was already mine. Also, the officers never charged me for her. They knew she was going to her forever home.

I got Joey when my son was 1 and my daughter was 3 years old. They don't remember life without her. Throughout Joey's life, she was defiantly a wild dog. I always actually thought she may have had coyote mix in her. She looked like a dingo. She was difficult to keep in the yard. Joey was always trying to go on adventures and make new friends, even if they didn't want to be friends. I saw her one day running across the road with coyotes. "Hey, that is Joey" " What is she doing?" I told my kids as we were in shock, as we drove down the road. She would get birds out of the air and climb fences like a cat. Over years of trial an error of dog runs, kennels, electrical fences, and collars. I realized I just had to take her hiking frequently to keep her wild spirt at bay. If I didn't, she was gone, but she was never gone more than 24 hours and always came home.  I laugh because I always thought she was my wild alter ego. I must go on consistent new adventures. She was my trail protector and my best friend.

Joey was so sweet with her uncontrollable kisses and love. She mothered and trained our 110lb chocolate lab " Nugget", who is a mess at the moment. To be honest, I didn't realize how much it would effect my other dog. Animals sense things we don't perceive, as well as have feelings. Not sure why it was such surprise to me, as I know this.  A few times over the last week, it look like he sees something I don't, he barks to thin air. He isn't sleeping well, pacing and barking for the last week. We are sure a pair now.


I felt her spirt leave in the veterinarians office. As my kids and I surrounded our girl and said our final words and prayers. I felt a slight "Swoosh" I want to call it. I was petting her sweet face and I saw the "Life or Spirt" leave. I felt it in my soul. In that moment she was gone even though her body hadn't given up yet, I knew.


10 Lessons Joey Taught Me:

1. Soulmates don't need to be human

2. What unconditional love really is 

3. Dogs can be more loyal than some people

4. Don't take anything from granted, as it may be gone one day

5. Listen to your animal's body language 

6. Some cycles are harder to close than others 

7. I can feel spirts and it isn't part of my imagination

8. Animals perceive way more then we think

9. I am so grateful she chose me to be her momma 

10. She would have given her life to protect me and I was meant to find her.


To my girl,

I miss you so much already, and so does everyone else. I hope you are running and playing how you used too. I hope you watch over us and help provide guidance when needed. I am so glad you are no longer in any pain. I hope you are with our loving ancestors, as I know they will take great care of you. Please visit us here and in our dreams.

Until we meet again my sweet girl. We love you.









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