SOMA San Diego, The Interrupters Live Music

The Interrupters @ SOMA SD

Sometimes you just need to let loose!!🎶

Thursday The Interrupters where in San Diego!! There is so many benefits to listening to live music! The energy of everyone having a good time is so intoxicating. I call it the concert high 🙌🏻 Some benefits of live music include : 


Burn calories

Boost creativity 

Improved cognitive abilities

Reduces stress hormone levels while increasing the production of endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin

Social connection 

Fun 🙋🏼‍♀️





#somasd #theinterrupters #livemusiclove #musictime🎧 #funwithfriends🎶 #moshpitsfordays #skamusic #goodtimesinsd #cosmiccuboard #cosmiccupboard💥 #smallbusinessmakingithappen

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