What is the coincidence….

What is the coincidence….

I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe that everything and anything has a purpose in a beautifully orchestrated existence. I do believe however in synchronicities, or “meaningful coincidences.” I just can’t believe that certain things don’t happen for a reason. I believe in the magic of the universe, and I can feel it.

When I first started my breathwork facilitator training in early 2024, one of my best friends lost the love of her life, he passed away due to a massive heart attack. He was my friend. She has left heartbroken with all the responsibilities of their life together. At the end of January my other lifelong best friend was hospitalized for septic shock due to Pneumonia complications and almost passed away. She has been left with a long period of healing, physical therapy as well as a special needs son to take care of.  I say this as a matter of fact to these stories to illustrate the emotional depth of these events that my best friends have been experiencing. These are not just friends, they are my sisters, and they have been since I was about 12 years old. I have a deep connection with both, and we have all experienced so much of life together, but I can’t help but look at the synchronicity of the timing of these events.

Breathwork is something that has literally helped me, pull myself out of the depths of hell, of my own mind. When I felt there was nothing left, when I felt I was empty, my strength had weakened, breathwork helped me find my way back to myself, One day at a time. What are the coincidences that I am learning to teach, the very thing that helped me in such a time of need. At the exact moments that my two sisters are experiencing their own versions of hell. Although the pressure of the workload and events happening, tested my ability to complete my training, I pushed though. It was the universe testing me, to make sure I really wanted it. I started my facilitator training 2 weeks before my friend passed away and I am completing my certification 2 weeks after my friend came home from the hospital from a respiratory infection. Coincidence, I don’t think so.

I believe the universe conspired for me to be in this place at this exact time. I believe I am to help guide my sisters back to themselves when the time is right, and they are willing. I believe I had to go though my own healing to be able to have the tools to teach others. (Still in Progress). Horrible traumatic events can happen in life that we have no control over and couldn’t have ever predicted. It can be hard to see the beauty in such events but, it is all part of that beautifully orchestrated existence of life and death, ebb and flow, love and hurt, light and dark. The duality of life. This was a way for me to see beauty in such events. I see the beauty of me having tools to be able to assist, I see beauty in my sisters, and I see beauty in their healing process. Breathwork can’t fix what has happened in the past, but it may help you find understanding, love and ease for yourself once again.    


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